Yarrow Monograph
Botanical Name
Achillea Millefolium
Common Name
Yarrow, Duizendblad, woundwort, staunch weed, nosebleed,carpenter’s weed
Parts Used
Leaf, flower
Native To
Europe,Asia,North & central america
Harvesting Guidelines
Harvest young yarrow leaves in the spring before the plant flowers, gather the mature flowers when the plant is in full bloom. Harvest in the morning after the dew dries and before the suns heat evoparates the volatile oils
“It is both cooling and warming, fluid generating and controlling. Remedies with contradictory but complementary properties are often of great utility since they are able to normalize opposing conditions. This is true for yarrow.(1)
Yarrow has been used for thousands of years and has a rich history of healing properties. Fossilized yarrow pollen has been found in burial caves dating back 60,000 years, indicating its use in early civilizations. Yarrow is known as a vulnerary, meaning it stimulates wound healing, and has been given nicknames such as Soldier’s Woundwort and Knight’s Milfoil. In Greek mythology, it is said that Achilles was dipped into a vat of yarrow tea as a baby to protect him from harm.(2)
Yarrow is a plant with a rich history of use in both medicine and magic. In Chinese culture, it is believed to have special powers, such as the ability to brighten the eyes and promote intelligence. Yarrow is also said to balance yin and yang and facilitate the connection between heaven and earth. In fact, it is even rumored to grow around the grave of Confucius and is used in the practice of I Ching divination. With such a colorful history, it's no wonder that yarrow continues to be valued and used today.(3)
Yarrow has been used for centuries for its healing properties, particularly for its ability to stop bleeding and promote wound healing. It was even used by soldiers in ancient Greece and during the American Civil War to treat their wounds. Yarrow is also known for its antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, making it a valuable addition to any first aid kit. Its many benefits include preventing infection, reducing swelling, and easing pain in wounds. Yarrow is also commonly referred to as soldiers’ woundwort, staunch weed, nosebleed, woundwort, and carpenter’s weed.(4)
Yarrow is a versatile herb that offers a range of health benefits. Its antispasmodic properties make it useful for relieving menstrual cramps and reducing heavy menstrual flows. Additionally, yarrow's antimicrobial activity makes it effective in treating urinary tract infections (UTIs), as it acts as a diuretic and helps to flush out harmful bacteria. The herb's astringency also helps to tone the tissue of the urinary tract, promoting overall urinary health.(5)
Yarrow is a powerful herb that can help combat colds and flu. Its antiviral properties make it an effective remedy for fevers, as it helps to stimulate circulation and promote sweating. This allows heat to escape the body, which can help to break the fever. Yarrow is best consumed as a hot tea to take advantage of its diaphoretic properties. Additionally, yarrow can be used to treat sinusitis and upper respiratory congestion. Its volatile oils help to promote healthy mucus flow and eliminate congestion, particularly in the sinuses. Its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties can also help to reduce swelling in sinus tissue, making it easier for mucus to flow.(6)
Adult Dose (7)
Infusion: 1-2 tsp dried aerial parts in 8 fl oz boiling water 3x/day. During fevers, 1-2 tsp dried aerial parts hourly
Yarrow is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family, and individuals who are sensitive to this plant family may also be sensitive to yarrow. It is important to note that yarrow is not recommended for use during pregnancy, and its safety has not been established for use during lactation. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before using any herbal remedies.(8)
Cooling, Drying
(1) Wood, Matthew. The Earthwise Herbal. North Atlantic Books, 2009
(2) Krohn, Elise. “Yarrow.” Wildfoodsandmedicines.com, accessed online September 2016
(3) Bennett, R.R. (2014). The gift of healing herbs. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
(4) Hoffmann, D. (2003). Medical herbalism: The science and practice of herbal medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press.
(5) de la Forêt, R., & Han, E. (2020). Wild remedies: How to forage healing foods and craft your own herbal medicine. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.
(6) Hardin, K.R. (n.d.). Yarrow: The woundwort. Retrieved from https://enchantersgreen.com/yarrow
(7) Bennett, R.R. (2014). The gift of healing herbs. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
(8) Gardner, Z., & McGuffin, M. (2013). American Herbal Products Association’s botanical safety handbook (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Scientific Research
Effect of herbal medicine Achillea millefolium on plasma nitrite and nitrate levels in patients with chronic kidney disease: A preliminary study.
Treatment of atopic dermatitis with herbal combination of Eleutherococcus, Achillea millefolium, and Lamium album has no advantage over placebo: A double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial.
Information offered on Achula and on this page is for educational purposes only. Achula makes neither medical claim, nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Women who are pregnant or nursing, and persons with known medical conditions, should consult their licensed healthcare provider before taking any herbal product. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. Achula neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research concerning the safety and usage of any herbs or supplements.